Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU)

The ROWPU is a mobile water purifying unit which supplies drinking water from raw water including sea water. It requires a 30 kw utility duty power source.

Special pumps, controlled by a built-in panel, move the water through the ROWPU to produce as much as 10 gallons of drinking water per minute.

The ROWPU reduces the number of small particles held in solution found in most fresh water systems, dirty streams and sea water to a level fit for human consumption.

This is done by filtering with the aid of chemicals, the reverse-osmosis process, and then if needed, with an additional purification using a chemical method. A multimedia filter removes the large solids that pass through the input strainer as well as the smaller solids that were acted upon by a polymer chemical. The cartridge filter takes out suspended solids that pass through the multimedia filter. Reverse osmosis removes the dissolved minerals and bacteria that succeed in getting past the filters. Then chemicals are added to the filtered water to kill any remaining bacteria that are present. At this point the product water is stored for human consumption.

Dimensions: L: 9.45 ft.   W: 6.91 ft.   H: 5.68 ft. Weight: 7,300 lbs


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